My current personal project, a simple Content Management System (CMS) designed for hosting serialized novels, has been through several iterations and technologies at this point. I started out with this project early in 2020 with a PHP-based solution, let the project sit on the backburner as I did my bootcamp program, and afterwards returned to it with all sorts of fancy ideas. I was going to do it in Express, then in React, then…
But I ended up going back to PHP, and am having more success than I ever did before. Sometimes the new shiny tech isn’t what you need when there’s a tried-and-true solution.
I intend to share more of this CMS as I build it, but currently I have a page that allows one to login and register accounts through modals, as well as use the CSS variables trick I discussed several posts back to store a preference for light or dark mode in localstorage.
As I finish up the login process, I will soon be moving into the actual content management, allowing authorized users to upload their own books to the website, chapter-by-chapter, using some of the techniques I’ve discussed in this blog before and many more besides.
While I’ve gotten a lot out of the new, flashy stuff I learned in my bootcamp program, I have to say that I’m loving spending time back in good old PHP. Like the Apple tagline of days past, it just works.